Hello there, I’m Marj.
Traveling has always been a dream for me since I was a little girl growing up. It’s the one thing I knew I was going to do as soon as I made my own living. Also, I am a big foodie. I love to eat!
My first trip ever was a month long Europe trip to Italy, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, and France. It was a full packed trip trying to see as much popular destinations I can squeeze in the itinerary. It sounded tiring just looking at it. But I didn’t care. Luckily, my husband was on board! We went… AND we caught the travel bug. It is a thing. It gave such as high. I think it should be considered an actual illness (but in a very good way… maybe sometimes not so as there’s a desperation that follows to travel more LOL). This was 10 years ago.
Fast forward today, I’ve been to 40 countries. Traveled between 3-star to 5-star budget accommodations. Repeated cities I love (which I’ll post as soon as I am able), and still planning on visiting more new cities in the upcoming months.
By the way, I am still keeping a full time career in the commercial insurance industry. One challenge is time, when can I travel? For how long? How many cities can I squeeze in a particular time frame? TELL ME!!! So I’d always try to utilize my vacation days, personal days, 4-day weekends, sick days, whatever days I can use to GO!
Many people think that because they are too busy with making a living, they cannot squeeze in time to just travel. But I always tell myself, if I want something, I have to make it happen. No one else can make it happen other than yourself. Nowadays, there are so much information available for any destination you can think of whatever your budget or however much time you are able to go. There’s a large community built for all types of travelers now! Don’t let fear hold you back and just make it happen 🙂
Is to help you out with the planning process. This is the most tedious part when planning! I want to share my experiences, the good and bad, the cheap and expensive, how to bargain anywhere and everywhere, and the magical powers of asking (I know, it sounds simple but if done the right way, can bring extra surprises during your trip).
I’ll try my very best to impart with you everything and anything I know travel-wise.
FOLLOW ME on Instagram @bettertravelwithme and on Facebook @ Marj Travels for more updates and current travels!
Better travel with me,